William Theodore Hinshaw

15 Dec 1915 – 10 Aug 1935

2nd-Great Grandson of Philip Cardon and Martha Marie Tourn
Great Grandson of Catherine Cardon and Moses Byrne
Grandson of Alice Byrne and Thomas Hinshaw
Son of William Edwin Hinshaw and Vera Mae Archer

EVANSTON, Wyo., Aug. 14 – Funeral services were held in the Baptist church Tuesday afternoon for William Hinshaw Jr., who was fatally injured in a fall from a load of hay Saturday. The Rev. James W. Harris of the Presbyterian church officiated.

William T. Hinshaw was born in Evanston on December 28, 1915, a son of William E. and Vera Hinshaw. He attended the Evanston public schools and Evanston High school, being graduated from the high school in 1933. Since his graduation he had been employed by his father on the Hinshaw ranch.

Surviving are his parents, three brothers, John T., Robert and Gayle and one sister, Helen Pearl; also his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Archer.

-Published in the Ogden Standard-Examiner, Wednesday, 14 Aug 1935 (Ogden, Ut).

Evanston City Cemetery, Evanston, Uinta, Wyoming

Grave Marker