William Oliver Guild

29 May 1873 – 17 Nov 1918

Grandson of Philip Cardon and Martha Marie Tourn
Son of Charles Guild and Marie Madeline Cardon

William Oliver Guild

William Oliver Guild was born 29 May 1873 at Piedmont, Uinta, Wyoming.  William died 17 Nov 1918 at Spring Valley, Uinta, Wyoming, and was buried 18 Nov 1918 at Piedmont, Uinta, Wyoming.  He married Nettie Heiner 6 Mar 1901 at Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah.  She was born 3 Nov 1876 at Morgan, Morgan, Utah, the daughter of George Heiner and Mary Henderson.  Nettie died 25 Mar 1958 at Fillmore, Millard, Utah, and was buried 29 Mar 1958 at Guild Cemetery, Piedmont, Uinta, Wyoming.  They had 10 children.

From “The Descendants of Charles Guild and Mary Madaline Cardon” compilied by Susan Thomas Tippets

William Guild

Progessive Men of Wyoming – p271

There is perhaps no better representative of the business interests of this section of Wyoming, or one better informed in all matters of civil, religious and literary improvement in the state, than the accomplished gentleman whose name heads this review. His ancestral history is fully delineated in the personal sketch of his honored father, Mr. Charles Guild of Piedmont, Wyo., which appears elsewhere in this volume, and to which the reader is referred. 

William Guild of Lyman, Wyo., where he owns a comfortable home and eighty acres of fine alfalfa land of marked productiveness, was born on the Guild homestead at Piedmont, Wyo., on May 29, 1873, a son of Charles and Mary M. (Cardon) Guild. He received his preliminary scholastic training in the schools of Uinta County and supplemented this by a three years’ course at the Brigham Young College at Logan, Utah, by his attention and unusual mental endowments making rapid progress and attaining a high proficiency. 

Being deeply devoted to the doctrines and principles of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, his manifest qualifications for the position caused his appointment as a missionary of that faith to Germany. There he passed about thirty months in very active but pleasant service which was fraught with marked results, winning many converts to the faith. 

In 1900 he became associated in business with his father and brothers, and is now the secretary of the Guild Mercantile Co., and also of the Guild Land & Live Stock Co. 

Mr. Guild still holds active relations with his church, being an honored elder in its communion. Also filling the dual office of first assistant superintendent of the Sunday-school and superintendent of the religion class of Lyman ward. 

During his collegiate years he was for one year the professor of art and of elementary mathematics in the institution he was attending. 

A man of great activity and enterprise, he keeps a vital interest in all that concerns the public weal, and is a strong supporter of the principles and policies for which the Republican Party stands sponsor. 

On March 6, 1901, in Salt Lake City, Mr. Guild “took unto himself a wife” in the person of Miss Nettie Heiner, a daughter of George and Mary (Henderson) Heiner, the father of German and the mother of Danish ancestry, and they have one child, Kenneth H. Guild.

Young William

Photos of William Oliver Guild

Guild Family Cemetery, Guild Ranch, Piedmont, Wyoming