7 Feb 1892 – 22 Apr 1956
Grandson of Philip Cardon and Martha Marie Tourn
Son of Thomas Barthelemy Cardon and Ella Clarinda Hinckley
Raymond Cardon
Dies In Fremont
(Special to the Post-Register)
ST. ANTHONY, April 23. — Raymond Hinckley Cardon, 64, well known St. Anthony resident, died Sunday at his home here of cancer following a long illness.
He was born Feb. 7, 1892, at Franklin, Idaho, the son of Thomas Barthlemay Cardon and Ella Hinckley. He married Laura Cooper of Brigham City, Dec. 31, 1917.
Mr. Cardon came to St. Anthony in 1920 to establish the Cardon Jewelry. In 1937 he became administrator for the Fremont County Dept. of Public Assistance and periodically district supervisor.
He served in the Mexican Expeditionary Force in 1916-17; enlisted for service in 1917 during World War I, serving until 1919 with much of his service overseas with the 88th Division of Co. 354 of Field Infantry. He received the French Croix de Guerre and other military decorations.
For many years he was a member of the Kiwanis Club, a city councilman for several terms, commander of the local American Legion Post and a district officer of the American Legion.
As a member of the Red Cross board, he was responsible for supervision of distribution of Red Cross materials during the depression.
Survivors include his widow, a son, Raymond C., Ogden, Utah, a daughter, Mrs. George (Joan) Ioset of Salt Lake and six grandchildren.
Also surviving are the following brothers and sisters: Mrs. Karl C. Klingler, Rexburg; Mrs. Roy Adams, Logan, Utah; Mrs. A. E. Smith, Salt Lake City; Mrs. Charles Nixon, Blackfoot; Mrs. James Langton, Warner Hoopes, Benson, Utah; Ariel Cardon, Greta Recho, O. Guy Cardon, Dr. Phillip V. Cardon, Mrs. A. Sullivan and several step brothers and sisters.
Funeral services will be conducted Tuesday at 10 a.m. at the First LDS Ward with Bishop Max Mortensen officiating. Burial will be at the Alto Rest Cemetery, Ogden.
The family requests no flowers. Contributions may be given to the American Cancer Society.
-Published in The Post-Register, Idaho Falls, Idaho, Monday, April 23, 1956m Page 9.
Aultorest Memorial Park, Ogden, Weber County, Utah, Plot: Rose Hill, Lot 9, Position 1.