Philip Cardon

2 Oct 1801 – 25 Aug 1889


Philip Cardon

Cardon, Phillip. Born Oct. 7, 1801, Prarustin, Italy. Came to Utah Oct. 29, 1854, Robert Campbell company.

Married Marie Tourn 1823*, Prarustin, Italy (daughter of Bartholemi Tourn of Roca, Italy). Their children: John, m. Anna Fourer; Louis Phillip, m. Sarah Hunt; Katherine, m. Moses Byrne; Mary M., m. Charles Guild; Paul, m. Susannah Goudin,m. Magdalene Beus; Thomas B., m. Lucy S. Smith. Family resided at Ogden and Logan, Utah.

Elder; high priest. Farmer. Died Aug. 1890, Hyrum, Utah.

-Pioneers & Prominent Men of Utah, Esshom, Frank, p. 795 (BYU, HBLL–BX 8670. Es77 1966)

*Actual marriage date is 1 February 1821

Pioneer Father – Written by his Granddaughters, Ella Vida Cardon Adams and Blondel Cardon Porter Smith, 1960.

CARDON:–At Hyrum. Aug. 25th, at 12:40 a. m. Phillippe Cardon died. He was born Oct. 2d, 1801, in Prarustin, Piedmont, Italy. He was among the first that received the Gospel in that country; emigrated to Utah with his wife, four sons and two daughters in 1854 and settled at Marriot, near Ogden City. He was one of the first settlers of Logan city, where he lived until 1884, when he removed to Hyrum. He died Sunday Morning Aug. 25, 1889 in full fellowship of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

His body was brought to Logan the night of the 25th and the funeral services were held in the Logan Tabernacle at 2 o’clock p. m. Aug. 25th. His remains were interred in the Logan cemetery.

Philippe Cardon was a well-known and highly respected citizen, and has filled a mission on this earth that has made his life of value to mankind.

Newspaper Clipping of death announcement of Philip Cardon

– Published in The Utah Journal, Logan City, Utah, Saturday, August 31, 1889, Page 3.

Grave Marker
Logan City Cemetery, Logan, Utah