by Thomas X. Smith
Cardon, Paul, first counselor in the Bishopric of Benson Ward, Cache Stake, is the son of Philip Cardon and Martha Mary Tourn, and was born in Italy, in the valleys of the Waldenses, Dec. 28, 1839, where he passed his boyhood days. In the year 1851 (Feb. 7th) he was baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints by Elder George D. Keaton. The Cardon family was one of the first to join the Church in that country. Shortly after joining the Church the family decided to emigrate to Utah, and in February, 1854, they left their native land and arrived in Salt Lake City in October of the same year. Paul drove an ox team across the plains. He settled in Mound Fort, Weber county, Utah, where he remained for one year. Thence he moved to the settlement known as Marriotts Ward, in the same county, where he lived until the early spring of 1860. In the fall of 1856 he was ordained an Elder and was set apart as an acting Teacher and home missionary. He spent the fall and winter in Echo Canyon and Lost Creek, building fortifications to stay the progress of Johnston’s army. He was a member of Capt. Lot Smith’s company most of the time. On the 16th day of March, 1857, he was married to Susannah Goudin. In the spring of 1858, when the people were called upon to leave their homes and go south, he sent his wife and child to Spanish Fork, Utah county, and he was detailed to stand guard over property in Ogden, Weber county, under the direction of General C. W. West. In the fall of 1859 he went to Cache valley and there selected property and started to build a home. In the spring of 1860 he moved his family to Cache county, where he has lived ever since. Shortly after arriving in Cache valley he was selected as one of the famous body of so-called minute men. This company of minute men was organized for the purpose of protecting themselves and families against the attacks of the Indians. He held a commission, signed by the governor, as first lieutenant of cavalry. In December, 1862, he was ordained a Seventy, and at the same time set apart as an acting teacher in the Fourth Ward of Logan and also as a home missionary. In the year of 1868 he was chosen and set apart as one of the seven presidents of the 64th quorum of Seventy. In 1887 he was compelled to go into exile, where he remained for about five years. This left him in financial straights and he was obliged to sell his home and property in order to pay his debts. In 1892 he left Logan and went to Benson Ward to build up another home for himself and family. Feb. 10, 1895, he was ordained a High Priest by Apostle Marriner W. Merrill and set apart as first counselor to Bishop Henry W. Ballard, of Benson Ward, which position he still holds. In 1899 he was called on a mission to Switzerland and Italy for the purpose of gathering genealogy; in this labor he was very successful and returned home in March, 1901. Elder Cardon’s life has been a very busy one and he has helped build up Cache valley from its beginning, having been public spirited and held many public offices in Logan city and Cache county. He is the father of a large family, fifteen of his children are still living.
Latter-day Saint Biographical Encyclopedia
Volume 2 Biographies
Smith, Thomas X.