1 Sep 1904 – 5 Aug 1931
Great-Grandson of Philip Cardon and Martha Marie Tourn
Grandson of Louis Philip Cardon and Susette Stalé
Son of Louis Paul Cardon and Mary Irena Pratt
Several members of the 1931 class of the University of Arizona have been awarded fellowships and appointments at other institutions in recognition of their outstanding work while at Arizona.
Parley Cardon of Mesa, is already in Washington and has started work as junior cotton technologist in the division of cotton marketing of the bureau of economics in the U. S. department of the interior. He was graduated this year from the College of Agriculture with a major in agronomy. He left before commencement in order to take up his work on June 1.
-Published in the Arizona Daily Star, Tucson, Arizona, 21 Jun 1931, Sunday, page 2.
Former U. A. and Tucson High Student Is Victim of Potomac River Accident
Parley R.* Cardon, graduate of the University of Arizona in the class of 1931, was drowned in the Potomac river at Whitewater, (probably Mather Gorge which has white water rafting and there is no place named Whitewater in Maryland) Maryland, Thursday**, according to word received by Dr. H. L. Shantz, president of the University Friday.
No details of the tragedy were learned here, but it is understood that the body has been recovered and that the Mormon church of Washington, D. C. has taken charge of the funeral arrangements.
Mr. Cardon was a graduate of Tucson high school as well as the University. His family lives in Mesa, Arizona.
While a high school student he was a prominent member of the military corps there and was a leader in his class.
When he entered the university he became president of his class in the freshman and sophomore years. He was a member of Alpha Zeta, vice president of Phi Mu Alpha and a member of the Chain Gang, the traditions committee, president of the glee club in his sophomore year and manager of the club in his junior year. He was also president of the oratorical society and belonged to thee Aggie club.
He majored in agronomy and after his graduation secured a government position in Washington where he has been since.
While a resident and student in Tucson he made many friends.
-Published in the Arizona Daily Star, Tucson, Arizona, 8 Aug 1931, Saturday, page 6
*The paper shows middle initial R, should have been P.
**Thursday was the 6th, other records show he died Wednesday the 5th.