22 May 1880 – 5 Jul 1945
Wife of Thomas LeRoy Cardon
Nellie H. Ross
LOGAN – Mrs. Nellie Hanks Ross, 65, former Logan resident, died at her home in Compton, Cal., Friday of a heart attack, according to word received by an aunt, Mrs. L. H. Anderson, Ogden.
Mrs. Ross was a native of Logan and was the wife of Walter A. Ross. Her parents, (Ephriam) Marcellus and Mary Heap (Heath) Hanks were pioneer Logan residents.
Surviving are her husband and a sister, Mrs. Maude Goddard, Los Angeles, Cal.
-Published in the Salt Lake Tribune, Sunday, Jul 8, 1945, Page B9 (21)
Note: Her mother is Mary Elizabeth Heath, Heap is a misspelling. Her father, reported as Marcellus, is Ephriam Marcellus Hanks.
Succumbs — Mrs. Nellie Hanks Ross, 65, former Logan resident, died at her home in Compton, Calif., Friday of a heart atack, according to word received by an aunt, Mrs. L. H. Anderson, Ogden.
-Published in The Ogden Standard-Examiner, Monday, July 9, 1945, page 10.
Former Logan Woman Dies
Word has been received in Logan of the death and burial of Mrs. Nellie Hanks Ross, 65, former resident of Logan, who died July 6, at Compton, Cal., of a heart attack.
She was born May 22, 1880, in Salt Lake City and spent her early life there with her widowed mother, two brothers and two sisters. Later the family moved to Pocatello, Idaho and then to Logan.
Mrs. Ross was married to T. Le Roy Cardon in 1902. He was accidentally killed in 1914 while on a hunting trip. In 1916 she was married to Walter A. Ross, who was associated with E. P. Bacon in the Logan Garage and Supply company.
Mrs. Ross was noted for her love of the outdoors and her flower gardens.
Survivors include her husband, of Compton, Cal., a niece, Miss Joan Pyper, who Mrs. Ross raised, one sister, Mrs. Ernest Goddard, of Los Angeles, Cal., a niece, Mrs. Mary Hanks Israelson, of Ogden, and a nephew, Allyn Hanks, of Teton, Idaho.
Among the former Logan residents who attended the funeral services were Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Bacon of Glendale, Cal.; J. C. Walters, of Santa Monica, Cal.; Mrs. C. P. Goody of Denver, Colorado; Mrs. Ally T. Clayton and Mrs. Alla C. Lathrop, both of Compton, Cal., and Mrs. Ida Anderson, of Ogden.
– Published in Cache American, Tuesday, Jul 17, 1945, Page 1
Nellie married Thomas LeRoy Cardon 11 Aug 1902, he subseqently died November 18, 1914. They had no children. She then married Walter Alexander Ross on the 9th of September, 1916.