6 Jul 1834 – 21 Jul 1914
Daughter of Philip Cardon and Martha Marie Tourn
Another Pioneer Called.
Mary M. Cardon Guild passed away at her home in Piedmont, Wyoming on Tuesday afternoon, July 21, 1914, surrounded by members of the family.
The deceased was bron at Piedmont, Italy on July 6, 1834, and came to America in 1854, being one of the first families from Italy to locate in Utah, having arrived in Salt Lake on Oct. 29th of that year.
She was married to Charles Guild, on Feb 19, 1855, and came to Wyoming in 1868, locating at what was later called Piedmont, after her native land. Here she reared a large and hororable family, withstood the trials of the early pioneer, became prosperous and resided untill called home to enjoy her reward so faithfully earned.
The deceased was a kind-hearted, generous woman, highly esteemed and respected by all who knew her: being honest and industrious she set an example worthy of emulation; and her offspring have become imbued with the same spirit so that the entire family is known and admired for their uprightness and good character.
She is survived by seven children, as follows: Mary M. Cross, James H. and George T. Guild, Piedmont; Jos. P. and Wm. Guild, Urie; Mrs Dan Gamble and Mrs. D.C. Swartfager, Ogden; also a number of grandchildren and great grandchildren.
Funeral services were held at Piedmont Saturday afternoon at 2 o’clock, Bishop James Brown of Evanston conducting. Vocal music appropriate for the occasion was furnished by the misses Ethel and Veda Guild and Ansta Gamble. The floral offerings were profuse and beautiful. Interment took place in the family burial grounds at Piedmont.
-Published in The Bridger Valley Enterprise, 28 July, 1914, Evanston, Wyoming
Sister of Paul Cardon Will Be Buried in Piedmont, Today. Was 79 Years of Age
Mrs. Mary Guild, of Piedmont, Wyoming, died on Monday after a brief illness according to advices which reached here yesterday. Mrs. Guild was the sister of our townsman, Mr. Paul Cardon and was among the early pioneers of this state, having come to Utah in the year 1854. The funeral services will be held in Piedmont today where the remains will be interred. Mr. Cardon will attend the services.
-Published in The Logan Republican, 23 Jul 1914, Thursday, Page 1
Death Certificate
Guild Family Cemetery, Piedmont, Wyoming