Lucy Barbra Eiden Guild

15 Sep 1863 – 25 Apr 1938

Wife of Joseph Phillip Guild

Wyoming Pioneer Claimed in Utah

EVANSTON, Wyo., April 27. -(AP)-Funeral services for Mrs. Lucy Eiden Guild, 74, who died at Salt Lake City Monday, will be held here Thursday afternoon.

Mrs. Guild, the widow of the late Joseph P. Guild, had been a resident of Uinta county for 56 years.

-Published in the Casper Star-Tribune, Casper, Wyoming, Wednesday April 27, 1938, Page Three


EVANSTON, Wyo., April 26 – Lucy Barbara Eiden Guild, widow of the late Joseph P. Guild died in a Salt Lake City Hospital Monday morning after a short illness.

Mrs. Guild was born September 15, 1863 at Lorain, Ohio, and has spent the past fifty-six years in Wyoming. She was married to Joseph P. Guild February 14, 1884 at Piedmont, Wyoming where she resided until 1928. Since that time, she has made Evanston her home.

She is survived by one son, Robert E. Guild, Evanston, Wyoming, one daughter, Mrs. F. G. Watson, Park City, Utah; and one foster daughter, Mrs. Roy Watson, Midvale, Utah; eight grandchildren; and two great grandchildren.

The body was brought to Evanston by the Bryan moturay and will remain there pending funeral arrangements.

-Published in The Ogden Standard-Examiner, Ogden, Utah, Tuesday, April 26, 1938, Page 6-B


EVANSTON, Wyo., April 29 – Funeral services for Lucy Barbara Eiden Guild who died in a Salt Lake City hospital Monday were held at the Bryan mortuary Thursday with the Rev. Wallace Johnson of Robertson, Wyo. officiating, assisted by the Rev. S. Milton Jarratt of the Methodist church.

Music was by Mrs. Darius Syme, Mrs. Clinton Bradshaw of Lyman and William F. Starkey with Mrs. Ivor C. Butts as accompanist.

Interment was in the family plot in the Masonic cemetery.

-Published in The Ogden Standard-Examiner, Ogden, Utah, Friday, April 29, 1938, Page 10-B

Evanston City Cemetery, Evanston, Uintah, Wyoming

Guild Family Marker

Lucy Barbra Eiden Guild grave marker