30 Nov 1857 – 22 Jul 1931
Grandson of Philip Cardon and Martha Marie Tourn
Son of Catherine Cardon and Moses Byrne
Word has been received here of the death in Utah of John P. Byrne, pioneer cattleman of Uinta county. It is understood that the body will be brought to Piedmont for services and interment.
-Published in The Ogden Standard-Examiner, 24 July 1931, Friday, Page 2.
EVANSTON, Wyo., July 27 – Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at Piedmont for John P. Byrne, a retired cattle rancher. The invocation was offered by Bishop James Sharp of Milburne. Songs were given by Mr. and Mrs. William Dean with Mrs. Willard Stringer accompanist. The speakers were President James Brown, Sr., of Evanston, and the Rev. Wallace W. Johnson of Robertson. The benediction was pronounced by Elder Delmar Dean. Interment took place in the Piedmont cemetery with William dedicating the grave. The pallbearers were his four sons, Walter, Louis, Henry and Robert Byrne, and also two sons-in-law, Murry Sharp and James Gourley.
John P. Byrne, son of Mr. and Mrs. Moses Byrne, was born March 31, 1857 at Slaterville, Utah. The family moved to Fort Bridger in 1861 where he resided until the establishment of the pony express and stage route when he became a rider and driver. For several years Mr. Byrne supplied feed to the lines and assisted in rebuilding stations that were burned down by the Indians. He was married to Edith Claire February 14, 1884. She died in August, 1928. In February, 1930 he married Cathryn Culley Kidman who survives him. He is also survived by eight children, 29 grandchildren, two great-grandchildren, six brothers and four sisters. He was one of the few survivers who witnessed the battle at Bear town in 1869.
– Published in The Ogden Standard-Examiner, 27 July 1931, Monday, Page 2
Louis Byrne, of Ogden is confined to his room in the Bristol rooming-house suffering with an attack of pneumonia. He was attending the funeral of his father, John P. Byrne when stricken.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hinshaw had as their house guests over the weekend, who also attended the funeral services of John P. Byrne, Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Fife and daughter, Mrs. Oriel Blackburn, Mrs. Cleave Fernelius, all of Ogden. Mr. and Mrs. George Kendall and daughter, Miss Verna Kendall, Mrs. James Fernelius and Miss Inez Anderson, all of Uintah. Mrs. Fife was a sister to Mr. Byrne.
-Published in The Ogden Standard-Examiner, 28 July 1931, Tuesday, Page 2.
The Byrne Family Cemetery, Piedmont, Wyoming