31 Jan 1922 – 17 Jun 1940
2nd-Great-Granddaughter of Philip Cardon and Martha Marie Tourn
Great-Granddaughter of Catherine Cardon and Moses Byrne
Granddaughter of Joseph Walter Byrne and Winnifred Lenore Mumford
Daughter of Ralph Lafayette Byrne and E. Gladys Garrett
BAKER, Ore., June 18 (UP)-Freda Byrne, 14*, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Byrne, Powder, was drowned late yesterday while bathing with other children in a water-filled gravel pit two miles north of Baker.
-Published in The Observer (La Grande, Oregon), Tuesday, June 18, 1940, Page 2.
Baker, Ore., June 18, (UP)-Freda Byrne 14*, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Byrne, Powder, was drowned yesterday while bathing with other children in a water-filled gravel pit two miles north of Baker.
-Published in The Bend Bulletin (Bend, Oregon), Tuesday, June 18, 1940, Page 2.
*Note: As per her death certificate, her age at death was 19 years, 4 months and 31 days based on a birth date of 30 Jan 1921. However, her birth certificate shows birth was 31 January 1922. At death she was 18 years 4 months and 17 days.
Eagle Valley Cemetery, Richland, Baker County, Oregon