31 Jul 1867 – 15 May 1946
Grandson of Philip Cardon and Martha Marie Tourn
Son of Catherine Cardon and Moses Byrne
Buhl Pioneer, Ex-Mayor Dies
Career of Edwin Byrne Included Capture By Sioux Indians
BUHL (UP) – The four-year-old Wyoming lad who was rescued from the warlike Sioux Indians by Chief Washike of the Shoshones died Wednesday at the age of 78.
He was Edwin W. Byrne, former Buhl mayor. He died at Blackfoot Wednesday morning from effects of a stroke. He had been in ill health since 1939.
Byrne’s capture by the Sioux came in 1871, near Fort Bridger, Wyo. Chief Washike, a staunch friend of the Byrne family, talked the boy’s captors into giving him up in a trade deal and returned him unharmed to his parents.
Byrne was a personal friend of Buffalo Bill Cody and traveled with Cody’s show for a time. Later, with several brothers, he organized the Byrne Wild West show in Wyoming.
He came to Buhl in 1908 as one of the early pioneers, operated a livery business, a Jarbidge to Buhl stage line and his farm. He was city councilman from 1911 to 1913 and mayor from 1913 to 1915. In the latter year he moved to Pocatello where he was purchasing agent for a packing company until he returned to Buhl in 1918. He was a stockman from then until he retired in 1939.
Survivors include two sons, two sisters and a half-sister at Ogden and a brother. The Ogden sisters are Mrs. Minnie Kendall and Mrs. Sanford Fife; the half-sister is Mrs. Annie Corey. One of the sons is Lloyd E. Byrne, manager of the Idaho First National bank here.
-Published in The Idaho Statesman, Thu, May 16, 1946, Page 7.
One-Time Captive of Indians Dies
BUHL, Idaho, May 15 -(AP)- Once captured by the Sioux Indians in Wyoming and rescued by Chief Washakie of the Shoshones, Edwin W. Byrne, 78, former mayor of Buhl, died Wednesday at Blackfoot.
His capture by the Sioux occurred when he was four years old. Chief Washakie, a friend of the Byrne family, traded the Sioux out of their captive and returned him unharmed to his parents. He was a friend of Buffalo Bill Cody, and traveled with the old frontiersman’s show for six months.
-Published in The Montana Standard (Butte, Montana), 16 May 1946, Thursday, Page 1
BUHL, Idaho, May 15 -(AP)- Once captured by the Sioux Indians in Wyoming and rescued by Chief Washakie of the Shoshones, Edwin W. Byrne, 78, former mayor of Buhl, died Wednesday at Blackfoot.
His capture by the Sioux occurred when he was four years old. Chief Washakie, a friend of the Byrne family, traded the Sioux out of their captive and returned him unharmed to his parents. He was a friend of Buffalo Bill Cody, and traveled with the old frontiersman’s show for six months.
-Published in The Missoulian (Missoula, Montana), 16 May 1946, Thursday, Page 1
Onetime Indian Captive Succumbs at Blackfoot
BUHL, Idaho, May 16 -(AP)- Once captured by the Sioux Indians in Wyoming and rescued by Chief Washakie of the Shoshones, Edwin W. Byrne, 78, former mayor of Buhl, died Wednesday at Blackfoot.
His capture by the Sioux occurred when he was four years old. Chief Washakie, a friend of the Byrne family, traded the Sioux out of their captive and returned him unharmed to his parents. He was a friend of Buffalo Bill Cody, and traveled with the old frontiersman’s show for six months.
-Published in the Billings Gazette (Billings, Montana, 17 May 1946, Friday, Page 6
West End Cemetery, Buhl, Twin Falls, Idaho