13 Jan 1932 – 27 Apr 1946
2nd-Great-Grandson of Philip Cardon and Martha Marie Tourn
Great-Grandson of Thomas Barthelemy Cardon and Lucy Smith
Grandson of Bartlie Temple Cardon and Jennie Murdock
Son of Thomas Bartlie Cardon and Florence Sutton
Gun Accident Kills Scout During Hike
CEDAR CITY — An overnight hike by members of Third LDS ward Boy Scout troop ended in tragedy at 10:15 a.m. Saturday when a small caliber pistol accidentally discharged, killing one of the troop members instantly.
David S. Cardon, 14-year-old son of Mrs. Thomas B. Cardon, 165 N. 5th West St., was the victim. The accident occurred at the scout camp near the Woolsey ranch, 15 miles west of Cedar City.
An inquest was conducted Saturday afternoon before Alex H. Rollo, justice of the peace, by County Atty. Durham Morris. The death was found to have occurred as Wallace Osborne, scoutmaster and physical education instructor at Cedar City Junior High School, was attempting to unload the weapon.
Mr. Osborne told Sheriff S. C. Lamb the pistol, a small caliber used for blanks at track meets and ball games, had been loaned and was returned to him as he was leaving on the scout trip late Friday. Shortly after breakfast he was examining the weapon and attempted to empty the chamber. It discharged just as the Cardon youth walked around the scoutmaster’s tent. The bullet penetrated his heart.
Members of the Coroner’s Jury were L. N. Marsden Jr., C. J. Beasley and Glen Heaton.
David Cardon was born at Logan Jan. 13, 1932, a son of Thomas Bartlie and Florence Sutton Cardon. He moved here with his parents 12 years ago. His father died Feb. 26, 1946.
He is survived by his mother, a brother, Thomas B. Cardon Jr., a sister, Suzanne Cardon, all of Cedar City; grandparents, B. T. Cardon and Dr. and Mrs. D. J. Sutton, and great-grandmother, Mrs. Lucy S. Cardon, all of Logan.
Funeral services are pending word from Dr. and Mrs. Sutton, who are traveling in Arizona.
-Published in the Salt Lake Tribune, Salt Lake City, Utah, Sunday, April 28, 1946, page 10A.
David S. Cardon, 14 Killed by Gun in Outing Accident
Residents of Cedar City were shocked Saturday morning to learn of the tragic death of David S. Cardon, 14-year-old son of Mrs. Florence B. Cardon, in a Scouting trip accident, bringing tragedy into the home for the second time in less than two months, the boy’s father having died on February 26th.
David died almost instantly from an accidental gunshot wound while on an overnight hike with seventeen other members of the Third Ward Boy Scout Troop. The troop was camped near the highway fifteen miles West of Cedar City.
The accident occurred as Wallace Osborne, Scout Master, was unloading a small starting pistol that was accidentally discharged, the small calibre bullet piercing the boy’s heart. Doctors report that had the bullet struck an inch or so in any direction from the spot it penetrated the boy’s body the injury probably would not even have been serious.
Mr. Osborne reported at an inquest conducted before Alex H. Rollo, Justice of the Peace, that the gun had been taken on the trip by mistake, and that when the Scouts saw the gun he reluctantly allowed them to each take a couple of shots at targets, and that the fatal shot was fired as he attempted to reload the gun for the boys.
The group had gone on the trip on their bicycles, and had no other transportation, so Mr. Osborne hailed a passing motorist and sent the boy’s body to town and requested that Sheriff S. C. Lamb be notified immediately. The group then remained at the scene of the accident until the Sheriff arrived to make his investigation.
Members of the coroner’s jury were L. N. Marsden, Jr., C. J. Beasley and Glen Heaton.
David Cardon was born at Logan on January 13, 1932, a son of Thomas Bartlie and Florence Sutton Cardon. He moved here with his parents 12 years ago, and had been an active and energetic student and scout.
He is survived by his mother, a brother, Thomas B. Cardon, Jr., a sister Suzanne Cardon, all of Cedar City; grandparents, B. T. Cardon and Dr. and Mrs D. J. Sutton, and a great-grandmother, Mrs. Lucy S. Cardon, all of Logan.
Funeral services were conducted in the Cedar Third Ward Chapel Monday forenoon with Bishop A. E. Whatcott presiding. The body was taken to Logan for burial.
Music for the services consisted of three numbers by the Third Ward Junior Choir of which David had been a member. The Choir under the direction of C. S. Thornwall, and with Miss Audrey Dotson at the organ, sang “Sometime We’ll Understand”, “I Know My Heavenly Father Knows”, and “Oh How the Morning Sun”, with Miss Lauri Dee Thompson as soloist.
Speakers were D. C. Dix and B. Glen Kenney, and sentiments from the Junior High School student body and faculty were given by Don Knight, school mate of David’s. Invocation was by Raymond Lunt and benediction by Truman Rollins.
-Published in the Iron County Record, Cedar City, Utah, Thursday, May 2, 1946, page 1.
Logan City Cemetery, Logan, Cache, Utah, Plot: A 175 10 1