12 Sep 1829 – 15 Nov 1902
Daughter of Philip Cardon and Martha Marie Tourn
Mrs. Moses Byrne Dead.
Mrs. Katherine Byrne, wife of Moses Byrne, died about 4 o’clock yesterday of heart trouble at her home in Uintah, aged 73 years. Mrs. Byrne was one of the earliest settlers, coming across the plains over fifty years ago. She has resided most of the time at Uintah, although for about ten years her home was at Piedmont, where a number of her children still reside. Her end came very suddenly, she being attacked with a severe pain in the neighborhood of the heart and expired almost immediately.
– Published in The Salt Lake Hearld, 16 November 1902, Sunday, Page 7.
Mrs. Katherine Byrne, one of the early pioneers of Weber county, was called to depart this life very suddenly Saturday afternoon about 4 o’clock at the ripe age of 73 years, at her home in Uintah. She was in comparative good health, considering her advanced age, but was taken with severe pain in the region of the heart only a few moments before death overtook her. She called to her daughter, Mrs. Kendall, who lives only a few feet away, and told her of the pain. Mrs. Kendall called her husband, who was near by, but before he got to the house she expired. The deceased had been faithfully caring for her aged and ailing husband, Moses Byrne, for several weeks past, and her death came as a severe shock to her children and numerous friends.
Mrs. Byrne came to Utah in the early 50’s with her husband and settled in Uintah, Weber county, where she has lived ever since with the exception of about 10 years spent in Piedmont, Wyoming. She was a woman of excellent qualities, always desirous of doing good to those whom she met in life. The remains will be shipped by Larkin & Sons to Piedmont, Wyo., tonight for interment. The funeral services were held at the Uintah meetinghouse this afternoon.
-Deseret Evening News, 17 November 1902, Monday, Page 7
Mrs. Katherine Byrne, wife of Moses Byrne, died last Saturday of heart trouble at her home in Uintah, aged 73 years. Mrs. Byrne was one of the earliest settlers, coming across the plains over fifty years ago.
She has resided most of the time at Uintah, although for about ten years her home was at Piedmont, where a number of her children still reside.
Her end came very suddenly, she being attacked with a severe pain in the neighborhood of the heart and expired almost immediatly.
-Published in The Intermountain Catholic (Salt Lake City, Utah), 29 November 1902, Saturday, Page 8.
The Guild/Byrne Family Cemetery, Piedmont, Wyoming