Cara Genevieve Cardon Klingler

13 Jan 1896 – 28 Aug 1982

Granddaughter of Philip Cardon and Martha Marie Tourn
Daughter of Thomas Barthelemy Cardon and Ella Clarinda Hinckley

Newspaper photo of Mr. and Mrs. Karl C. Klingler

Open House To Be Held
For Karl C. Klinglers

Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Karl C. Klingler will celebrate their golden wedding anniversary, with an open house at their home 4 to 7 pm. The couple lives at 112 East 2nd South in Rexburg.

Mr. Klingler, a native of Rexburg, was associated with Utah Power and Light Company for 42 years in St. Anthony and Rexburg. Since retiring, he has served four terms as state representative for Madison County.

Active in civic and church affairs, he has served on the school board in both Rexburg and St. Anthony and in LDS Stake and Ward organizations.

Mrs. Genevieve Cardon Klingler, raised in Logan, Utah, is an active member of the LDS Church, serving in various positions in MIA, Relief Society, and Sunday School. She is an active member of Daughters of Utah Pioneers, and the Rexburg Civic Club.

The Klinglers have five living children: Cardon of Zurich, Switzerland; Mrs. Cara Newman, Rexburg; Mrs. Carlyle B Eyre (Ruth) Cowley, Wyoming; Quentin, Las Vegas, Nev.; Mrs. Earl Webb (Dawn) Whiteriver, Ariz.

All except Cardon will be home.

The Klinglers were married in the Logan Temple June 7, 1916. They request no gifts.

Genevieve C. Klingler

Geneieve C. Klingler photo

Services for Genevieve Cardon Klingler, 86, of Rexburg, who died Saturday of a heart attack while visiting her daughter in Lovell, Wyo., will be conducted Thursday at 1:30 p.m. at the Rexburg LDS 4th Ward Church by Bishop Robert Perkes.

Burial will be in the Rexburg Cemetery.

She was born Jan. 13, 1896, in Franklin, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bartlemy Cardon. She attended schools in Logan, Utah, and Provo, Utah, where she graduated from Brigham Young College June 3, 1916.

She married Karl C. Klingler in the Logan LDS Temple June 7, 1916. She lived in St. Anthony with her husband until 1937 when they moved to Rexburg where she lived until she died.

In St. Anthony as an active member of the LDS Church, she was an officer and teacher in Primary, Mutual and Relief Society. She was president of each organization at various times and served on stake boards of Sunday School, Mutual and the Genealogy Association.

She helped organize the first PTA in St. Anthony, was an officer in the Red Cross, the St. Anthony Women’s Club and was chairman of the committee which planned and began planting for the park along the Snake River.

She helped plan and organize women’s encampments at Ponds Lodge in Island Park for the University of Idaho Agricultural Extension Service, was an active member of the American Legion Auxiliary, was on the board of directors for the Girl Scouts and was a badge counselor.

She also held many positions in the LDS Church in Rexburg and became involved in community affairs. She was a member of the Civic Club, RLE Club, Daughters of Utah Pioneers and the Red Cross.

For many years she was an officer of the Madison County Cancer Drive and worked every year for the Christmas Seal Drive. After her husband was elected to the Idaho Legislature, she became an active member of the Legisladies organization in Boise for 10 years. She was secretary of the group for some time.

Her husband died in 1980 and her activities after that were curtailed by her health.

Surviving are daughters, Ruth Eyre of Cowley, Wyo., Dawn Webb of Albuquerque, N.M., and Cara Newman of Rexburg; sons, Quentin G. Klingler of Santa Fe, N.M., and Karl Cardon Klingler of Zurich, Switzerland; 22 grandchildren; and 25 great-grandchildren.

Friends may call Wednesday from 7:30-8:30 p.m. at Flamm Funeral Home in Rexburg and one hour prior to services at church Thursday.

Rexburg City Cemetery, Rexburg, Idaho

Grave marker for Karl and Genevieve Klingler