Anna Hermina Shaw

23 Jan 1861 – 8 Sep 1947

Granddaughter of Philip Cardon and Martha Marie Tourn
Daughter of Jean Cardon and Anna Regula Furrer

compiled by Bertha Shaw Lee and Earl E. Lee

Myrtillo Shaw Jr., son of Myrtillo Shaw Sr. and Harriet Orilla Austin, was born 29 March 1858, in Ogden, Weber, Utah. He was one of a large family.

In April of 1858 the family moved South to Provo area, on account of the Johnston’s Army coming to Utah. 

When they returned to Ogden the family home was on the North-East corner of 17th and Washington Ave. In the spring of 1861 the Ogden River overflowed its banks and washed away their home and all of their belongings, the family was lucky to get away alive. They next built a home at 15th Street and Washington Avenue. 

Myrtillo attended school in a rock building at 12th Street and Washington Avenue, where the Mound Fort Junior High School now stands. The school only taught to the Fifth Grade. His family could not afford to send him to Professor Moench’s School, (now Weber State College), so he started to work wherever he could find a job. 

He worked at Peery’s Mill on Washington Ave. at 15th Street. Mr. Peery built a store next to the mill and Myrtillo worked there for a while, but the wages were small so he left and took work in the transfer department of the Union Pacific Railroad. 

During the summer of 1879 Myrtillo worked for John Cardon in Franklin, Idaho, they had a store business and sold all kinds of merchandise. 

Anna Hermina Cardon was born 23 January 1861 in Marriott Settlement, a daughter of John Cardon and Anna Regula Furrer. Her parents engaged in farming, the day she was born they were planting a garden. 

In the spring of 18 61 the Ogden River overflowed and flooded the Marriott area. It was necessary for Mr. Marriott and others to carry Anna Cardon and her baby up a ladder to the top of a haystack where they had to remain until a raft could be made to take them to Marriott’s home. They stayed there until the water receded so they could go back to their farm. 

They lived on their farm until March 1863, when they moved to Bingham’s Fort at 5th Street and Washington Ave. 

When Hermina was about 8 years old, her mother sent her to Corinne, Utah to work for a family named Kupfer, they were friends of the Cardons. They ran a store for outfitting freighters and trappers. Corinne was the point on the Union Pacific Railroad, where freight wagons loaded for the trip north to Idaho. While she was there the Kupfer family traveled, by wagon, to Promontory Summit to witness the driving of the Golden Spike. They took Hermina along on this trip. 

As a young girl she helped pick and dry fruit and prepare and pack these fruits and produce for shipment to the Cardon Store In Franklin, Idaho. 

On 25 September 1879 Myrtillo Shaw Jr. and Anna Hermina Cardon were married in Ogden, Utah. They moved to Franklin, Idaho. They traveled in a wagon. The first night they camped about ten miles north of Brigham City, and arrived In Franklin late the second day. They lived on a farm which was owned by John Cardon. They had a two room log house with a dirt roof. 

Myrtillo hauled logs from a nearby canyon and built another room, he also put a good shingle roof on. Hermina was very handy at helping to make this house into a home and they were very happy. 

On 6 November 1881 a son was born, David Myrtillo. It was necessary for Hermina to go to Ogden so her mother could take care of her. 

Myrtillo and Hermina went to Salt Lake City and were endowed and sealed on the 29 March 1882, this was done In the Endowment House on Temple Square. 

Austin Herman was born in Ogden on the 9 April 1884.

With what they raised on the farm and income from other work he had, they were able to pay for the farm in about five years. They were hard working and thrifty people. 

In November 1885, Myrtillo received a call to go to the Southern States Mission, he accepted this call and moved his family back to Ogden. 

He built a two room house at 6th Street and Washington Ave., where they later built a larger home. Hermina’s family lived at 5th Street so she was not alone. 

Myrtillo was ordained a Seventy and set apart for his mission by Apostle Franklin D. Richards on 24 January 1886 and he left home the next day. 

He labored in various places, such as the following: Energy, Clark County, Why Not, Lauderdale County, and Corinth, all In Mississippi. He also worked some in Cuba, Sumpter County, Alabama. During this time he traveled without much money or without purse or scrip, depending on the people to give him food and lodging. 

The people generally were not receptive to the Gospel but were very opposed to it. They enjoyed the Protestant revival meetings but were not interested in the true Gospel. There were some honest people who gave the Missionaries food and lodging, among them were the James Granthams, who were baptized by Myrtillo and his companion on 5 June 1866. 

The people persecuted the Missionaries and refused to let them hold meetings. We quote from notes kept by Myrtillo, while he was on his mission: “25 June 1886, we went to James Grantham’s and we had a nice visit until Monday noon, 28 June . While we were eating dinner a mob of about one hundred men surrounded the house. They marched us to an old church, near by, that was closed. They ridiculed us all they wanted to, then they made my companion strip and show his garments, they made light of them and ridiculed them and abused us verbally. They then chose twenty men to march us out of the County, they would not let us gather up our things, they forced us to go where they wanted us to go. The men got on their mules and drove us in front of them, we had to carry our valises, they kept crowding us as fast as they could. It rained all the way and they marched us about nine miles, they then left us and told us to go to Meridian, Mississippi and get on the train and go back to our own country and not come back or they would kill us. ” 

“We walked to Meridian, about three miles, and went to a hotel. We were very tired and I was sick, I did not sleep all night. Next morning we took a train to Cuba, Sumpter County, Alabama. ” 

Incidents such as this were not uncommon, but the Missionaries were usually able to find people who would give them food and a bed to sleep in. 

During his mission, Hermina and her two small sons lived alone. She was always encouraging him with cheerful letters and news of home. She grew a garden and had her flowers, she also had chickens and did much to support herself and the boys. 

Hermina had a lean-to summer kitchen built on her home. She paid a Mr. Lund $8. 00 to build it, she was very proud of it, the floor was tight and it had a shingle roof. 

In June 1886, Hermina was awakened by the smell of smoke. She got out of bed and looked toward her parents’ home. The bam was on fire and large cinders were failing everywhere. She ran outside and shouted as loud as she could, she then wrapped the two boys in quilts and took them to a neighbor to be taken care of and then she ran to the fire and helped to carry things from the home which was on fire also. The fire started while the Cardons were asleep, they had to be awakened to get them out of the house. The bam with several horses and all of their farm equipment , hay and tools were destroyed, the home was also badly burned. The fire was started by a farmhand who Anna had discharged. He threatened to burn them out, but they had watched the place for three nights and thought he had left. 

On May 7, 1886, Hermina’s sister Rosina took her and the boys for a ride in her buggy. As they were returning, on Harrisville Road, they passed a covered wagon. The driver of the wagon flipped his whip across the nose of Rosina’s horse, causing it to run away. The horse became very frightened and traveled fast. The buggy lurched and threw Hermina out. She managed to hold baby Austin in her arms, thus protecting him. Hermina fell and struck her face on the road, breaking her jaw and knocking out two teeth. The buggy wheels passed over her upper legs, bruising them badly. Rosina and the other children were not injured. Hermina’s mother set her jawbone and put the teeth back in place, and they healed very well. 

After about six months’ service, Myrtillo became ill with malaria fever and had to return home, he arrived 27 July 1886. 

During the latter part of 1886, from September until the late part of January 1887, Myrtillo worked in Blackfoot, Idaho. He worked for John Cardon and Son, dealers in fruits and general merchandise. They were packers and shippers of choice mountain fruits, California produce and green and dried Tropical fruits. Hermina remained in her home and helped In preparing and shipping fruits and produce from Ogden to Blackfoot, to be sold in the store. 

Myrtillo again returned to Franklin and sold his farm to the Oneida Mercantile Union. e bought stock in the company and was made a director in the firm and was head of the shoe department. 

The family moved back to Franklin and rented a house from Websters. On I March 1887 David Myrtillo was sealed to his parents in the Logan Temple. Hermina Nettie was born 28 July 1887. It was necessary for her mother to again journey to Ogden for this event. 

In 1890 Myrtillo became sick with rheumatism and had to quit work. He sold his holdings in Franklin and moved his family back to Ogden. At this time he built a two story four room brick house at the same location as the home Hermina lived in while he was he was on his mission. He hauled rock from the mountains for the foundation. He hired the Lund boys for the brick work and other help. 

Rosina Pearl was born 21 June 1890 In Ogden. 

Myrtillo worked his farm as he recovered his health. He then purchased the J. R. Brown Wholesale Produce Company, it was located at 24th Street and Lincoln Ave., it was known as the Shaw Produce Co. 

Lester Moses was born 12 October 1894. After a short illness he passed away on 16 December 1894. This was hard for Myrtillo and Hermina, they grieved for their little boy. 

Bertha Mary was born 23 January 1896 and she was greeted with great joy as she helped to ease the loss of their baby boy. 

Myrtillo was elected to the Ogden City Council for the Third Ward, in about 1898 and 1899. Lillian Orilla was born 12 October 1900. 

About this time the home was remodeled, one room was built on the front and two rooms on the back, each had a bedroom above and a cellar under the back rooms. 

Myrtillo sold the produce company and organized a baking company to manufacture crackers and cookies. The factory was located east of the Reed Hotel, now the Ben Lomond Hotel. The company did not do well so he sold it to the Hess Baking Company. 

David Myrtillo was married to Gwendolyn Williams in Ogden on 11 June 1907. They received their endowments and were sealed 21 November 1907 in the Salt Lake Temple. They had four children. 

Myrtillo founded a company with his two sons David and Austin and a nephew William Shaw. They rented a store on the southwest corner of Washington Ave. and Second Street, it was known as the Shaw Mercantile Company. They sold general merchandise and groceries, and the Station “A” of the United States Post Office was located there also. 

Hermina Nettie was married to Elbert Perle Drumiler on 3 June 1908 in the Salt Lake Temple. They had five children. 

Austin Herman was married to Eva Belle Brown in the Salt Lake Temple on 22 June 1909, they had three children. Austin answered a call to the British Mission, he left home 13 July 1910. 

The Shaw Mercantile Co. did well for some time until Myrtillo got sick with rheumatism and was confined to his bed for four months. He then sold the business to his nephew. 

Rosina Pearl was married to Lester Irvin Perry in the Salt Lake Temple on 14 June 1911. They had four children. 

Austin returned from his Mission in 1912. 

The Shaws owned some property on Washington Ave. between 21st and 22nd Streets, known as the Farr Property. They built a store building there and rented it to have some income. They worked on their farm and raised fruit and produce which they sold to grocery stores and to the Union Pacific Commissary, they had regular customers. Hermina raised many flowers which she sold from their home. They made many friends this way. 

Bertha Mary married Earl Edward Lee in the Salt Lake Temple on 26 May 1920. They had three children. 

Austin Herman was ordained a High Priest 9 July 1916 and was set apart as councilor to Bishop Lawrence W. Sherner in the Lynn Ward. He was ordained a Bishop by David 0. McKay on 3 April 1927 and set apart to preside over the Ogden Fifth Ward. 

The Shaws were active in the Church all their lives. Myrtillo had been President of the Young Mens Mutual Improvement Assn, he was a Sunday School teacher and was leader of the High Priests in the Fifteenth Ward. These peopled loved their children and grandchildren. Many times the family would gather at the home for family dinners, especially on Thanksgiving and Christmas and on some birthdays. These were happy occasions which the children and grandchildren remember well. 

David Myrtillo was ordained a High Priest 28 February 1926 and was set apart as a councilor to Bishop Earl E. lee In the Fifteenth Ward. 

Lillian Orilla was married to Louis William Underwood in the Salt Lake Temple on 16 June 1926. They had two children. 

Myrtillo and Hermina continued to work their garden and flowers, Hermina would spend her evenings in making quilts and cutting strips of cloth which she would sew together and braid them in long braids, which she sewed into oval rugs, very pretty and quite serviceable. 

Rosina Pearl died 30 December 1933 In Pleasant View. 

Myrtillo and Hermina celebrated their Sixtieth Wedding Anniversary on 24 September 1939, they received many relatives and friends in their home, and received letters and telegrams from people out of town. 

Myrtillo would lay on a couch, with some of his grandchildren by him and tell them stories. These would usually start with a statement like this: “In the early history of Franklin, ” or “In the olden days. ” The children remember these times and cherish them. 

Myrtillo died 4 May 1942, after a short illness, thus ending sixty- three years of love and devotion between two of God’s choice people. 

Hermina continued to live In her home, and take care of her garden and flowers. Her daughter Bertha and family lived next door and her other children lived close by so she was not alone. She died 8 September 1947. 

Elbert P. Drumiler died 5 June 1951 in Ogden. David M. died 1 March 1967 in Ogden. Austin H. died 21 August 1967 in Ogden. 

This history was compiled by Bertha Shaw Lee and Earl E. Lee from records and notes kept by Myrtillo and Hermina Shaw, and from the personal knowledge of Nettie, Bertha, Lillian and Eva B. Shaw. 

April 1974